
The Digital Educator Award Scotland (DEAS) programme seeks to accelerate high quality digital learning, teaching and leadership in schools, colleges, higher education institutions and support organisations.  

The award is completely free and open to educational practitioners in all areas of compulsory, vocational and post-compulsory education and training.

The programme offers ready-to-go resources within an established Digital Educator Award structure, and is linked to the Essential digital skills framework, the Teacher Digital Skills Framework for schools, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) standards for teaching in Further Education and ISTE standards for higher education.


Award Pathways

Digital Educator Award

The Digital Educator Award Scotland recognises educators who demonstrate continued, varied, and effective digital learning and teaching. Candidates are invited to submit examples of their digital practices based on the Teacher Digital Skills framework, GTCS standards for Further Education, or ISTE guidelines for Higher Education. 

Submissions should highlight how teaching strategies have positively impacted student learning, motivation, attainment, or engagement. Key areas covered include:

  • Essential Skills: Using devices and platforms with colleagues and learners
  • Core Skills: Cyber resilience, internet safety, communication, collaboration, instructional skills, and awareness of trends
  • Enhancing Teaching & Learning: Evidence of how digital tools have improved the learning experience.

Digital Influencer Award

This award recognises educators and practitioners whose collaborative efforts have significantly impacted teaching, learning, assessment, or professional development, with visible influence on colleagues within or beyond their organisation. 

Examples include advancing computational thinking across the curriculum, implementing digital tools or platforms, or leading digital learning initiatives in clusters or subject groups. 

Digital Leader Award

This award recognises the impact of strategic digital leadership in schools, colleges, or organisations. The candidate should demonstrate how their decisions have shaped digital policy and guided the organisation’s digital strategy. 

Typically, the applicant will hold a leadership role, such as digital coordinator, e-learning coordinator, or senior management member responsible for digital initiatives. 

They may also work in digital support or CLPL (Career-Long Professional Learning) activities, collaborating with other organisations or national/international partnerships. 

Submissions should align with the Digital Educator Awards Scotland framework and candidates can include evidence of learning from the Intel® Skills for Innovation Professional Development Suite

Digital technology is a key part of learning, living, and working, so educators need flexible and diverse digital teaching methods. The Digital Educator Awards supports this integration, helping teachers use technology safely, confidently, and effectively in education.

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